Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Cleaning

The course made it through the winter in good shape this year.  There appears to be very little ice damage or snow mold.  There was an average amount of clean up to do from the elk and voles.  The course opened on March 16th this year.  The bald eagles are back, so #10 will remain closed until the eaglets fledged.  Here are a few pictures of what it takes to get the course ready after an elk herd has spent the winter on the golf course:

This is what the fairways look like before we start cleaning.

This is after they have been mowed and the rough is swept.

We use a large rotary mower set as low as it will go to pulverize the droppings.

This pull behind sweeper does a nice job in the rough.

All the bunkers have to be blown out and the sand pushed up before they can be raked.