Thursday, May 17, 2012


The golf course has made significant progress over the past couple of weeks.  Attached are some pictures of #2 fairway.  The first picture is from April 26th and the second and third pictures are from May 15th.  The seeded areas still need a little longer before they will produce perfect lies, but they are definitely headed in the right direction. 




Monday, April 30, 2012


We are starting to see good germination in most of the seeded areas.  Warmer than average temperatures are helping and these areas will continue to fill in over the next several weeks.  We will be doing some additional seeding in approaches this week and will continue to touch up any areas in the fairways that need it.  Please try to keep cart traffic off of newly seeded areas.  We would also suggest moving your ball within two club lengths during the course of play.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fairway Seeding

As I mentioned in my last report, greens and tees came through the winter in good shape, but the fairways did not fair quite as well.  We had very little snow cover this winter and freezing rain in January that led to ice building up in low lying and shaded areas.  These areas have been slow to recover and we are in the process of adding ryegrass seed to these spots.  As you've seen in past years, the ryegrass is quick to fill in once the weather conditions are right.

Here are some before and after pictures of #17 from 2010 when we killed the poa annua and re-seeded it with ryegrass.  The first picture was taken April 10th and the second picture was taken on May 28th:

April 10th, 2010

May 28th, 2010

Friday, March 30, 2012


Welcome to the Aspen Glen golf course maintenance blog!  As mentioned above, the purpose of this blog is to bring our Members up to date infomation about what is happening on the golf course.  This will include information on course conditions, discussions on agronomic practices, and will show case improvement projects taking place on the golf course.  This site will be updated weekly by the golf course maintenance team.  We hope you will find the content usefull and interesting.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


We have number of projects going on on the golf course right now so I thought it might be interesting to share some pictures: 

This winter we spent some time sprucing up the golf course restrooms, including new counter tops, vanities, and fixtures.

The cart path crossing #15 fairway needed to be redone this year.  After much discussion, we decided the best thing for the area would probably be to take the path out all together and make it one continuous fairway.  We removed the old staylock material and road base.  We then filled it back in with sand and soil and applied seed.  This area will be ground under repair until it has grown in later this spring.

We also had to excavate and replace three irrigation valves this year prior to pressuring up the irrigation system.

One thing you don't see on the golf course is all of the miles of irrigation ditch we have to maintain in order to get our irrigation water.  We manage three ditches, all of which originate near Carbondale and are gravity fed down to Aspen Glen.  This year we had to replace an old section of liner near the boat ramp down from the 133 bridge.